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Glendale Country Club
(425) 746 7944
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Men's Invitational &
Ladies' Invitational Sponsorship
The 2025 golf season is kicking in to gear and the planning for the Men’s Invitational held July 9th - 12th, and the Women’s Invitational Tournament on August 6th - 8th, has already begun. These are the highlight events of our annual golf calendar.
As usual, Glendale Country Club is planning excellent golf competitions, wonderful food and beverage service, great camaraderie and fun-filled games and activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in these great events.
As you may be aware, sponsorship is an important component in making these events possible. As a member of Glendale, you or your business have the opportunity to sponsor a hole for each of these events, helping us take these events to the next level.
For $200, you (and/or your company) can be a sponsor for both of Glendale’s 2025 Men’s Invitational & Women’s Invitational Tournaments. This contribution entitles you to the following:
Prominent display of your sponsorship sign throughout both tournaments and acknowledgement in the participant’s handbook.
Two (2) 18 Hole Golf Certificates, each for one Guest Fee ($240 total value) that can be used over the following 12 months.
Use of these certificates must be accompanied by a member.
The office staff will be coordinating our sponsorship drive effort for this year’s event. If you would like to contribute to the success of these fun-filled golf and social events, please complete the sponsorship form below or contact the office directly at 425-746-7944 at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your support.
Matt Steele
Retta Main
Clint Whitney
2025 Golf Committee Chairman 2025 GWGA Captain General Manager
Sponsorship Registration
Member Name:
Member E-mail:
Member Phone #:
First three digits
Second three digits
Last four digits
Sponsorship Level:
Single Hole Sponsor: $200
Double Hole Sponsor: $400
Please choose sponsorship level. Single hole sponsor receives Hole Signage and 2 Golf Certificates. Double Sponsor receives signage on two holes and 4 golf certificates.
Were you a sponsor in 2024?:
Choose Option
Yes, please use last year's sign.
Yes, I need a new sign.
For returning sponsors, we encourage reusing your previous year's sign.
Name or Text to be displayed on sign:
Please add your name, business name or text as you would like it displayed on your sign.
Upload Logo:
Upload file
If you wish to include a logo on your signage please upload a jpg file of your logo.